About Serenity High

Serenity High is unique in many respects. Here are a few quick facts that will help you know more about it.

Serenity High…

  • Is an official Texas high school within the McKinney ISD.
  • Is open to students from other partnering ISDs without additional expense to parents.
  • Opened October 11, 1999.
  • Has been designed specifically for students who have successfully completed drug and alcohol rehab successfully, then been advised not to go back into their old school environments.
  • Offers self-paced programs. Students come in at any time during the school year, and they can complete their final course work whenever they finish their final credit.
  • Has AA and NA meetings weekly. Students work at McKinney elementary campuses as community service mentors as a part of their giving back.
  • Holds Fall graduation in January. Spring graduation is held in late May.
  • Has seen, to date, several hundred graduates. They have gone on to begin productive lives in education, business and military.
  • Opened as the only public recovery high school in America. It is now the longest-tenured recovery high school, public or private, in the United States.

Miracles happen every day at Serenity High in McKinney. Fears, tears and despair are transformed into understanding, rebuilt self-esteem and hope. Oh, and along the way, graduation happens, too!